Incidental Contaminant Removal Action

Incidental Contaminant Removal Action

Cape Prominence, Unalaska Island, Alaska and Davis AFB Cantonment Area, Adak Island, Alaska

Ahtna was awarded this single award ERS contract to perform the management, planning, mobilization/demobilization, and reporting associated with the Incidental Contaminant Removal Action and Limited Site Investigation at the Davis Air Force Cantonment Area FUDS, Adak Island, Alaska (Davis) and Cape Prominence FUDS, Unalaska Island, Alaska (Cape Prominence). The Removal Action included fieldwork to recover, remove, and dispose of petroleum-contaminated soil and perform limited groundwater and surface water sampling. Ahtna successfully removed 360 tons of POL-contaminated soil from Davis and Cape Prominence FUDS during the 2020 field season. Ahtna successfully completed work during the COVID-19 pandemic through a rigorous safety, testing, and monitoring protocol and the use of a remote camp and transport and housing vessels.